Cayman Airways Baggage Fees

This website is not associated with Cayman Airways
3.5/5 - (121 votes)
March, 2025. Prices are each way and are updated frequently.

Below are the latest Cayman Airways Baggage fees:


International Travel

Business Class

New York, Denver

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0
3rd Bag$0
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Economy Class

New York, Denver

1st Bag$25
2nd Bag$35
3rd Bag$50
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Business Class

Miami, Tampa, Jamaica

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0
3rd Bag$0
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Economy Class

Miami, Tampa, Jamaica

1st Bag$20
2nd Bag$20
3rd Bag$50
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Business Class

Honduras, Cuba

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0
3rd Bag$0
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Economy Class

Honduras, Cuba

1st Bag$20
2nd Bag$20
3rd Bag$50
4th & 5th Bag$50
6th through 8th Bag$75

Domestic Travel - Jet Service Only

Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac

Business Class

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0
3rd Bag$0

Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac

Economy Class

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0

Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac

Economy Class

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0
Additional Bag up to 55 lbs.$30
Additional Bag 56 – 70 lbs.$60
Additional Bag 71 – 99 lbs.$90

Domestic Travel - Propeller Service Only

Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac & Little Cayman

1st Bag$0
2nd Bag$0