Silver Airways Baggage Fees

This website is not associated with Silver Airways
1.5/5 - (147 votes)
March, 2025. Prices are each way and are updated frequently.

Below are the latest Silver Airways Baggage fees:


1st Checked Bag ($5 More At The Airport)


For travel within the continental U.S. and for travel originating in St. Croix and St. Thomas, excluding the following routes:

Ft. Lauderdale - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Orlando
Orlando - Pensacola
Tampa - Pensacola
Tampa - Key West
For travel between the continental U.S. and The Bahamas and for travel in the Caribbean†, excluding the following routes:

Ft. Lauderdale - Freeport
Ft. Lauderdale - Marsh Harbour
Ft. Lauderdale - North Eleuthera
San Juan - Santiago
San Juan - St. Kitts
San Juan - Dominica
Travel originating in St. Croix and St. Thomas
Ft. Lauderdale - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Orlando
Orlando - Pensacola
Tampa - Pensacola
Tampa - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Freeport
Ft. Lauderdale - Marsh Harbour
Ft. Lauderdale - North Eleuthera
San Juan - Santiago
San Juan - St. Kitts
San Juan - Dominica

2nd Checked Bag ($5 More At The Airport)

For travel within the continental U.S. and for travel originating in St. Croix and St. Thomas, excluding the following routes:

Ft. Lauderdale - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Orlando
Orlando - Pensacola
Tampa - Pensacola
Tampa - Key West
For travel between the continental U.S. and The Bahamas and for travel in the Caribbean†, excluding the following routes:

Ft. Lauderdale - Freeport
Ft. Lauderdale - Marsh Harbour
Ft. Lauderdale - North Eleuthera
San Juan - Santiago
San Juan - St. Kitts
San Juan - Dominica
Travel originating in St. Croix and St. Thomas
Ft. Lauderdale - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Orlando
Orlando - Pensacola
Tampa - Pensacola
Tampa - Key West
Ft. Lauderdale - Freeport
Ft. Lauderdale - Marsh Harbour
Ft. Lauderdale - North Eleuthera
San Juan - Santiago
San Juan - St. Kitts
San Juan - Dominica

Bag Type

Third Checked Bag$100
Overweight Bag (51 - 70 lbs / 62 linear inches)Checked Bag Service Charge plus $50
Overweight Bag (71 - 100 lbs / 62 linear inches)Checked Bag Service Charge plus $100
Oversized bag (63-115 linear inches)Checked Bag Service Charge plus $100